Presentation evening 2018 photos

Thanks to Phill Cole for the photos.

North Bristol 29 – Tewkesbury 31

North Bristol 29 – Tewkesbury 31

North Bristol 29 – Tewkesbury 31

On the day after the end of British summertime, the Tewkesbury U14’s made the journey south to play North Bristol in the Gloucestershire County Cup.

With the sun trying to have it’s last say before Autumn takes hold, the game kicked off. A fairly even start to the game with both teams playing competitive rugby soon changed after great work by Tewkesbury who engineered the opening try by Alex Rolfe and Henry converted the kick.

The Tigers looked to try and take control of the match but with it being quite a balanced game they struggled to make their good work count. It was however the home team that found some form and scored two quick tries. It seemed to shock Tewkesbury and galvanise them as a unit. Ben Peters scored a try late on in the half but the home team had also scored their third to take a slender lead into half time. The second half kicked off with the sun fully out making it feel more like a summers day and with this Tewkesbury seemed to blossom like flowers soaking up the last rays of the day. The passing was superb and the teamwork was inspiring. Brendan as always ran his heart out for the team with energetic mazey runs through the North Bristol pack to find the wing and stretch the opposition. With Jack Hawke and Harvey Maycock picking the ball and charging into the Bristol line time and time again it opened up lines for the team to exploit.

Tewkesbury were the better team in the second half despite North Bristol scoring 2 more tries. Ben Peters scored his second try of the game to reduce the deficit. But with the game entering it’s final phase Alex Rolfe grabbed his second try of the game. The winning try was a great team work try and showed the determination and fighting spirit which highlights Tewkesbury U14’s.

Great passing work down the left side with Brendan Walker heading for the line, he got tackled just before the line and it was quick thinking by Miles Rendell to pick the ball and pop it over to win the match. Every player played their parts today as always and should be proud of a gritty and truly professional performance against a very good North Bristol team.

Stow v U14s

On an overcast morning the Tewkesbury Tigers U14’s made the scenic trip to Stow on the Wold. With the sun trying to peek through, the game kicked off. The pitch had a slight slope to it, which seemed to favor Stow in the first part of the game.

Despite a fairly even feel to the game it was Stow who managed to break the deadlock. The Tigers seemed shocked to the opening try and tried to get to grips with the bigger players from Stow, but before long the home team had ran in another try despite desperate defending from the Tigers. It felt like Friday 13th when Stow bagged another 5 points to take a 17 point lead half way into the first half.

Whatever the coaches said to the Tigers in the huddle whilst waiting for Stow to take the conversion seemed to kick start a sublime team performance. The Tigers began to play as if their lives depended upon it, passing was better, quicker movements and getting the ball to the wings was a joy to watch. The team seemed to find confidence and began playing how they know they can, with energetic darting runs catching out a rather slow Stow.

By the break the Tigers had scored three tries and a conversion to bring themselves firmly into the driving seat, much to the annoyance of the Stow coaches.

The second half was all Tigers and Stow just couldn’t get back into their rhythm. Tewkesbury continued to play their hard tackling rugby with great teamwork and darting runs through a slow and tired Stow team. The final scored reflected a true pattern of the game and sets the Tigers up for next weeks home match to Longlevens. Well played Tigers, a great team spirit and performance that was a delight to watch. The boys should be proud of themselves for their professionalism and determination.

Final score, Stow 17 – 31 Tewkesbury

Match report by Steve Rolfe
Photos by Steve Rolfe and Adam Evetts

Targeted exercise programme can dramatically cut injuries in youth rugby

Getting young rugby players to complete new balance, strength and movement exercises before matches and in training can reduce injuries by over 70%, according to a benchmark study released today (Thursday 18 May 2017).

Published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, the findings of the School Injury Prevention Study – which was led by the University’s Department for Health and the Rugby Football Union (RFU) from 2013-16 – show the dramatic effect of a newly-devised exercise programme in reducing overall injuries for youth rugby.
The recommendations will now be rolled out nationwide by the RFU in preparation for next season.

Read the full article here