To all Players, Coaches, patrons, VP’s, members and supporters of Tewkesbury RFC

As we approach the midway point in the season and the Christmas break, I wanted to take a moment to say a massive thankyou to everyone involved in the club and the effort that has gone in since the start of the new season.

We welcomed Rory Teague to the club in August, just as the season was about to start for senior rugby and now the men’s first team sit 2nd in the league and entered the Christmas break on the back of a good win at home to Cheltenham Saracens. Rory has been hugely impressed with players engagement since arriving who are open to learning and truly believes all involved are committed to improving the club both on and off the field.

The focus of Rory and the coaching staff to play an exciting brand of rugby and a desire to play for this proud club is clearly paying off across the whole playing group as we continue to see good engagement at training mid-week That work mid-week with Martin, Rory and Stuart Doust (who has joined at strength and conditioning coach) makes big difference to the team’s performances at a weekend, whether it’s a tough away game against Gloucester old boys, or a social run out in the 2’s against Berry Hill. Watching these improving skills is great to see in any team and yes Brendan you scored a worldy last week, but I have to say the behind the back pass from our tighthead prop Jack was the highlight of the season so far. 

Dave Randall – Chairman


The ladies team go from strength to strength, adding numbers through this season and sitting in a strong mid table position currently. Coached by Emily, the team continues to develop and we look forward to the 2nd half of the season as a number of junior players make that step up into senior ladies in January. We are now working on plans with Rory to support Emily in her coaching development to give the best possible experience for the ladies training group.

It would be also a good time to congratulate Zoe and Luke Gamble with the birth of their first child, both have been great servants to the club over the years and have now added to the team!

The future of Grass roots clubs like ours are driven by how strong a junior’s section is, fortunately we are blessed with a lot of coaches who give up so much of their free time to deliver the best they can in the week and on a Sunday to 200 children. This dedication to the game and the club is something we must not take for granted as we all know how busy working life is these days.

The quality of coaching is something to be proud of, as we see our young players grow through the age groups, sticking at it through thick and thin to produce another Colts team at our club. Working as a team and working for each other to get from U7 to u17’s is great testament to Rich, Steve and Nick, winning or losing they have kept strong to develop the group. We are now seeing these Colts integrating into senior men’s training with the senior staff and players who are excited to help nurture the next generation into senior rugby.

I should also like to mention that we have for the first time been able to create an U11’s girls only team. This is something Rich Barber and the junior committee have been working hard to achieve as we look to develop the girl’s game further at the club, working alongside the coaches Pete and Sarah. If I have an ask then please if you have girls in your family and they want to get into sport, push them our way, you will not find a more dedicated group in Pete and Sarah for the growth of the ladies game.

For those that don’t know we also have a walking rugby team, any age, any gender, ran by Phil Cole this group is also growing. Phil’s efforts and dedication to the group has meant we now have fixtures for the Tewkesbury Trundlers and their own sponsored playing shirts. Well done to all in the group as they look to add members, still not sure they actually walk, looks a lot like a light jog to me:-)

Looking into the 2nd half of the season we will have some big events coming up, 6 nations will soon be upon us, we are planning for a past players event and into the spring we will have the Mark Atkinson testimonial event at the club in May and also the NAGS charity rugby event as well. Your support for these is much appreciated as we look to develop more events at the club during 2024.

To our merry band of dedicated supporters that travel home and away, it is very much appreciated by the players. When you go to an away game and the travelling support is larger than your opponents, it says a lot about the strength of your club. Thank you for that continued support.

Lastly, I just wanted to say a big thanks to those that give their time to help us grow as a club, from Coaches, Team managers, match day assistants, the management committee and all those who dedicate time to create the environment so that rugby can be played at Tewkesbury RFC.
Merry Christmas and see you all in the New Year.


Dave Randall
Tewkesbury RFC


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