Game Management System

Information for the RFU GMS portal




GMS Help

The RFU Game Management System is a central system operated by the RFU which tracks not just grass roots rugby but professional players as well.  Tewkesbury RFC is affiliated to the RFU and therefore complies with the requirement to affiliate all its players to the club at the start of each season.  

The RFU remove all player affiliations at the end of the season so players must re-affiliate to show as a current player of the club through GMS.  Re-affiliation is normally open from 1st July and a reminder is automated by the RFU to remind parents. 

Using GMS ensures that parents and players are in control of their own data and unique individual record through their lifetime in rugby. It provides more consistent, accurate and up-to-date information for clubs and the RFU to help players and parents enjoy their Age Grade Rugby and transition into the adult game.

Removing paper and storage reduces the burden on everyone, streamlines the process significantly and ensures GDPR compliance from a data security and retention perspective.  This also brings the process more in line with adult player registration helping the players, parents, and volunteers in the Age Grade and senior sections of our rugby clubs and in particular, streamlining the workload of our Club Registrars.

If you have any questions about GMS then please contact us.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I access GMS ?

Existing Player We will send you an email directly from GMS which will contain your unique RFU ID and a link to the login page.   It is important to note that there is no password attached to your ID so you will need to select “forgot password” and create a password for your account.   Please remember to verify your email when requested.   Please do not create a new account in the event you have problems accessing your existing account.

New Player Emails will be sent to parents of all existing players that includes their username.  You will need to request forgot password and then set your own unique password.   

Is there a deadline to affiliate to your club?

Yes.  All players must “Register to Play” to the club through GMS by the start of the season or prior to that if they are taking part in pre-season training.   In order to comply with RFU Rugbysafe guideline if this process hasn’t been completed then the player will not be able to take part until “Register to Play” is complete.  

What information is already in GMS?

If your child/children are already members at the end of Season 2019/2020 then they will already have been registered on GMS and will have a unique RFU ID.  Parents/carers/guardians are now required by the RFU to update the system to complete important information in the form of consents e.g. photograph, medical, next of kin etc., that must be completed by the parent/carer/guardian.

Is there any training for GMS?

In addition to the online resources provided we are very happy to set up 1:1 or group training sessions on request.   If you have any queries or questions about GMS please email us at

Can I pay through GMS?

When you join you will be given information about how to pay for your child’s membership by the team manager. 



Financial Hardship

We do recognise that the cost of living is causing both emotional and financial difficulties.  We do not want any child to be excluded because of financial difficulties, therefore we would strongly urge you to contact us, in the strictest confidence, if you are unable to pay membership fees so that we can discuss what support might be available.

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